Unisense Environment wins the Danish National European Environment Award 2014
"Unisense Environment A/S receives the environmental award for developing the N2O Wastewater System. The system makes it possible to measure nitrous oxide emissions from wastewater treatment plants. Wastewater treatment plants can use the sensor for controlling and minimizing N2O emissions.
With the sensor data, WWTPs can continuously optimize the process tanks and thereby minimize emissions. Because nitrous oxide is a very potent climate gas, the sensor can contribute to reduce the climate impact from wastewater treatment plants."
Danish Minister for the Environment Kirsten Brosbøl congratulates CTO Mikkel Holmen Andersen (left) and former Unisense Environment CEO Kjær Andreasen on receiving the European Environment Award. On the right, chairman of the evaluation board, Kurt Nielsen.
Image: Henrik Frydkjær