Positioning of N2O Sensors
Measure and Manage Nitrous Oxide Emissions
Fast Responding and Reliable N2O Measurements
Learn from the Experience of Others
Step-by-step Instructions

Measure dissolved N2O with fast response time in the biological tanks of wastewater treatment plants

Collect data from up to two sensors and transmit directly to your PLC or SCADA system

A Clark-type electro-chemical sensor that measures the concentration of nitrous oxide

Calibrate your nitrous oxide sensor every second month

Free placement of your N2O Wastewater Controller

Robust sensor mounting for fast flowing water

Measure dissolved N2O directly in bulk water
Tech Notes and References

Two liquid phase N2O sensors accurately represent process dynamics and emissions in most common raceway and recirculation reactors.

Learn how Kerteminde Forsyning applied nitrous oxide data to reduce the formation of N2O while maintaining low nitrogen emissions

Case Study: Full-scale comparison of N2O emissions determined by liquid sensors and off-gas measurement

Significant 3-fold increase in IPCC2019 wastewater N2O emission factor supported by Danish studies.

A case study from Kralingseveer WWTP in the Netherlands explores the influence of sensor placement.

Based on data from Danish WWTPs through advanced online-control.

Learn about the results from N2O monitoring in the activated sludge tanks at Severn Trent’s Spernal sewage treatment plant

Monitor the N2O concentration in the liquid and use N2O as a control parameter for carbon dosage in the denitrification process.

Learn how the water utility Aquafin controls emissions from deammonification processes using the the N2O Wastewater Sensor

Greenhouse gas emissions at wastewater treatment plants are coming into focus as the water industry works to reduce its climate footprint

The investment costs had initially deterred us somewhat. However ...

A study of three very different WWTPs in Denmark: Bjergmarken (125,000 PE), Holbæk (60,000 PE), and Hvalsø (11,570 PE)

The available data show that the nitrous oxide emission varies in time and between wastewater treatment plants.

Information regarding N2O emissions from trickling filters is limited, partly caused by the difficulties in capturing off-gases.

Significant 3-fold increase in IPCC2019 wastewater N2O emission factor supported by Danish studies.
Learn about the N2O Wastewater System in 72 seconds
In this short video, you can learn why nitrous oxide measurements are important and how the N2O Wastewater System works.
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