Home Trade Shows and Webinars DONE: Zero Emission? Beiträge der Abwasserbeseitigung zur Reduzierung der CO2e-Emission
Online (in German)
16 - 17 April 2024

DONE: Zero Emission? Beiträge der Abwasserbeseitigung zur Reduzierung der CO2e-Emission

Logo for DWA - Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall

Bastian will be one of the speakers at this WebSeminar arranged by DWA, the German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste. The online event takes place over two days where you can choose between two tracks on day 1:

  1. Measurement methods for determining direct GHG emissions from municipal wastewater treatment plants
  2. Examples of the implementation and evaluation of N2O measurements at municipal facilities

Not an easy choice. Bastian will be speaking on track 1 and some of our most experienced German clients will be speaking on track 2.

You can find similar events at dwa.de