
Here are your primary contacts at Unisense Environment. A strong team of technicians, product developers, and engineers support them to ensure that we are able to accommodate any need for N2O measurement. Follow us on LinkedIn for any job updates or send us an unsolicited application.

Your Primary Contacts

Thomas Rattenborg

Chief Executive Officer
Ph.D. Molecular Biology

Mikkel Holmen Andersen

Chief Technology Officer
Ph.D. Biotechnology

Lars Hauer Larsen

Chief Scientific Officer
Ph.D. Microbiology

Bastian Piltz

Sales Manager
Ph.D. Environmental Technology

Pernille Højmark Hansen

Sales Engineer
Chemical Engineer

Steen Alexandersen

Chief Financial Officer
M.Sc. Business Economics and Auditing

Mette Gammelgaard


Rasmus Duborg Hornsleth

Sales & Logistics Assistant

Laura Corneliussen

Marketing Specialist

Kim Rise

Marketing & Sustainability Manager

Contact us

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