N2O Webinars
See the recordings of our webinars and download the slides
Webinar: Large-Scale Monitoring of Nitrous Oxide Emissions (May 2024)
- Mikkel Algren Stokholm-Bjerregaard – The Big Nitrous Oxide Picture from a Danish Perspective - towards Reduction and Regulation
- Valerie Sels - Balancing Quality and Emissions: Tackling Nitrous Oxide in Wastewater
- Bharani Sri - From N2O Monitoring to Emissions Strategy

Ursachen der Lachgasbildung auf Kläranlagen (September 2023)
- Flavienne Wandeu & Tatjana Bleiker: Lachgas-Monitoring auf dem Großklärwerk Köln-Stammheim
- Arne Freyschmidt: Modellgestützte Planung von N2O-Emissionsminderungsmaßnahmen
- Ronja Voß: N2O-Messungen auf kommunalen Kläranlagen des Ruhrverbandes
- Bastian Piltz: Abschlussbericht VARGA
N2O ist das größte Klimaproblem auf der Kläranlage (February 2023)
- Arne Freyschmidt - Minimierung von N2O-Emissionen durch angepasste Betriebsstrategien
- Jan Philipp Schnack - Ermittlung von Lachgasquellen auf der Kläranlage Flensburg
- Bastian Piltz - Mitigation von Lachgas auf der Kläranlage Avedøre, Kopenhagen
Working towards Net Zero (September 2022)
- Anders Lynggaard-Jensen - Calibration and Validation of Real time Calculation of the N2O Emission from Activated Sludge Tanks
- Maria Faragò - The role of N2O emissions in the life cycle assessment of a water resource recovery facility in Copenhagen.
- Dines Thornberg - Evaluation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Wastewater Treatment in EU
- Panel discussion
Nitrous Oxide Process Emissions – From Research to Application (May 2022)
- Arne Freyschmidt - Evaluation and Minimization of N2O Formation and Emission in Deammonification Biofilm Systems
- Floris de Heer - Measuring and Mitigating N2O in (Nitrification-Denitrification) Aeration Tanks
- Nick Ivens - Making N2O Monitoring Business as Usual
- Panel discussion - The way forward in emission mitigation
Towards Carbon Neutral Wastewater (March 2022)
- Christian Baresel – 10 years of quantification and mitigation of nitrous oxide emission from wastewater and sludge handling at Swedish WWTPs
- Sara Ekström – Practical experience with nitrous oxide monitoring
- Mikkel Algren Stokholm-Bjerregaard – Surveillance and Control of N2O Emissions as Part of the Hubgrade Performance Plant
- Mikkel Holmen Andersen – Potentials for N2O monitoring and control strategies
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